遗传编程(GA,genetic programming)算法初探,以及用遗传编程自动生成符合题解的正则表达式的实践...
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1. 遗传编程简介






  • 遗传优化:进化的基本单位是模型可变参数
  • 遗传编程:进化的基本单位是新算法以及新算法的参数


遗传算法是受达尔文的进化论的启发,借鉴生物进化过程而提出的一种启发式搜索算法,因此遗传算法 ( GA , Genetic Algorithm ) 也称进化算法 。 因此,在讨论遗传编程的时候,会大量借用进化论中的术语和概念,为了更好地讨论遗传算法,我们先介绍一些基本生物进化概念,

  • 基因 ( Gene ):一个遗传因子,种群中的最基本单元。
  • 染色体 ( Chromosome ):一组的基因。
  • 个体 ( individual ):单个生物。在遗传算法中,个体一般只包含一条染色体。
  • 种群 ( Population ):由个体组成的群体。生物的进化以种群的形式进化。
  • 适者生存 ( The survival of the fittest ):对环境适应度高的个体参与繁殖的机会比较多,后代就会越来越多。适应度低的个体参与繁殖的机会比较少,后代就会越来越少。



  • 生物进化的环境由一个用户定义的任务(user-defined task)所决定,算法由一组初始的题解(程序)开始展开竞争。这里所谓的任务可以是多种形式,
    • 一种竞赛(game):各个题解(程序)在竞赛中直接展开竞争
    • 个体测试:测出哪个题解(程序)的执行效果更好
  • 遗传算法将基因抽象为题解中最小的随机变量因子(例如模型中的可变参数)
  • 一个问题的解由很多这样的随机变化因子组成,算法将问题的解编码成个体的染色体(染色体是基因的集合)
  • 单个个体包含若干个染色体,个体包含的染色体(题解)越多和越好,则个体的适应度就越好。在实际工程中,为了简化算法,常常假设一个个体只有一条染色体
  • 多个个体组成种群,种群中适应度(Fitness)高的个体获得较高概率的繁殖机会,从而导致适应度高的个体会越来越多,经过N代的自然选择后,保存下来的个体都是适应度很高的
  • 繁殖过程中,算法会评估并挑选出本轮表现最好的一部分题解题解(程序),并对程序的某些部分以随机(一定概率)的方式进行修改,包括:    
    • 基因交叉(Acrossover):在最优题解之间,挑选部分随机变量因子进行彼此互换。遗传算法交叉比人体内染色体交叉要简单许多。遗传算法的染色体是单倍体,而人体内的真正的染色体是双倍体。下图是遗传算法中两条染色体在中间进行交叉的示意图,
    • 基因突变(Mutation):在最优题解上,直接对某些随机变量因子(基因位)进行随机修改。下图是遗传算法中一条染色体在第二位发生基因变异的示意图,
  • 经过繁殖过程,新的种群(即新的一组解)产生,称为“下一代”,理论上,这些新的题解基于原来的最优程序,但又不同于它们。这些新产生的题解和旧的最优题解会一起进入下一轮自然选择阶段
  • 上述繁殖过程重复多次,直到达到收敛条件,包括,
    • 找到了全局最优解
    • 找到了表现足够好的解
    • 题解在历经数代之后都没有得到任何改善
    • 繁衍的代数达到了规定的限制
  • 最终,历史上适应度最高个体所包含的解,作为遗传算法的输出




  • 基因型就是种群个体的编码;
  • 表现型是种群个体所表示的程序片段;





  • 线性遗传编程
  • 基于树的遗传编程
  • 基于图的遗传编程

1. 线性遗传编程


  • 广义线性遗传编程将候选程序编码进定长或者变长的字符串,即基因型是线性字符串,包括
    • Multi-Expression Programming (MEP)
    • Grammatical Evolution (GE)
    • Gene Expression Programming (GEP)
    • Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP):该算法是一种很适合电路设计的遗传编程算法,比如我们要用两个加操作两个减操作和两个乘操作得到如下运算,
      • 笛卡尔遗传编程将下面的一个候选程序编写进字符串"001 100 131 201 044 254 2573"。字符串中的三位数字“xyz"表示x操作的输入是y和z两个连线,字符串中最后的四位数字"opqr"表示输出opqr四个连线。笛卡尔遗传编程只用变异操作,而不用交叉操作。
    • Genetic Algorithm for Deriving Software (GADS)
  • 狭义线性遗传编程中的候选程序是汇编语言或者高级编程语言程序(例如C程序)。一个狭义线性遗传编程的个体可以是一段简单 C 语言指令,这些指令作用在一定数量预先定义的变量或者常量上(变量数量一般为指令个数的4倍)。下图是一个狭义线性遗传编程候选程序的示例,
    • ,可以看到,变量数量和指令数量都是固定的,通过不同的排列组合方式得到不同的代码表现形式

2. 基于树的遗传编程 




  • 枝节点代表了应用于其子节点之上的某一种操作
  • 叶节点代表了某个参数或常量值




  • 变异:基于树的遗传编程的变异操作有两种(区别在于变异的范围不同),
    • 一种是随机变换树中的符号或者操作符
    • 另一种是随机变换子树
    • ,该图左下角是变换符号或者操作符的结果,右下角是变换子树的结果。 
  • 交叉:两个颗树之间随机交换子树
    • ,两棵树之间的部分节点发生了随机互换

3. 基于图的遗传编程



Relevant Link: 

《Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems》 John Henry Holland 1992http://www.algorithmdog.com/%e9%81%97%e4%bc%a0%e7%ae%97%e6%b3%95%e7%b3%bb%e5%88%97%e4%b9%8b%e4%b8%80%e9%81%97%e4%bc%a0%e7%ae%97%e6%b3%95%e7%ae%80%e4%bb%8b《Evolving Evolutionary Algorithms using Linear Genetic Programming (2005)》《A comparison of several linear genetic programming techniques》Oltean, Mihai, and Crina Grosan.  Complex Systems 14.4 (2003): 285-314.https://www.jianshu.com/p/a953066cb2eb


2. 遗传编程的数学基础



I 种群中的个体
m 所有可能个体的数量
n 种群大小
pm 变异概率
pc 交叉概率
f(I) 个体I的适应度。
p(I)t 第t代种群中,个体I出现的概率



  • 编码方式是二进制编码:基因的取值只能是0或者1
  • 变异操作将所有染色体所有基因位以恒定 pm 的概率翻转
  • 交叉操作选择选择相邻的个体,以 pc 的概率决定是否需要交叉。如果需要交叉,随机选择一个基因位,并交换这个基因位以及之后的所有基因
  • 每一代的新种群选择操作采用轮盘赌算法(依据概率大小):有放回地采样出原种群大小的新一代种群,个体 Ii 的采样概率如下所示,

0x2:模式定理 - 概率视角看基因模式的遗传

模式定理是遗传算法创始人 J.Holland 在其突破性著作《Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems》引入的,用于分析遗传算法的工作原理。

模式是指基因编码空间中,由一类相似的基因组抽象得到的pattern,比如 [0,*,*,1] 就是一个模式。染色体[0,1,0,1]和[0,0,0,1]都包含该模式。


L(H) 模式的长度。第一固定基因位和最后一个固定基因位的距离,其中L([0,*,*,1])=3。
O(H) 模式的阶。固定基因位的个数,其中O([0,*,*,1])=2。
p(H)t 在第t代种群中,模式H出现的概率。




  • 选择操作对模式H在下一代出现的影响是固定的,即:
  • 某个模式在繁衍中,既有可能发生变异,也有可能发生交叉,所以有后面两个括号相乘
  • 某个模式在变异中,变异操作将所有基因位以 pm 的概率翻转,因此模式H不被破坏的概率为(1pm)O(H)。当0<=x<=1和n=1,...时,不等式(1pm)O(H>= 1O(H)pm成立,从而经过变异操作,模式H的出现概率为,
  • 某个模式在交叉中,交叉操作选择选择相邻的个体,以 pc 的概率决定是否需要交叉。如果需要交叉,随机选择一个基因位,并交换这个基因位以及之后的所有基因。因此模式H不被破坏的概率为(1pc)(1L(H)/L1>= − pcL(H)/L1。经过交叉操作,模式H的出现概率为,







0x3:马尔柯夫链分析 - 遗传编程收敛性分析



  • 用 pt 表示第 t 时刻的不同状态的概率
  • 表示转移概率矩阵,其中 Pi,j表示从第 i 个状态转移到第 j 个状态的概率
  • 齐次马尔科夫链的第 t+1 时刻的状态只和第 t 时刻有关,可以用公式 pt+1=pt表示
  • 若存在一个自然数 k,使得 P中的所有元素大于0,则称 为素矩阵。随着 k 趋近于无穷,Pk 收敛于 P=1Tp, 其中p=plimkPk=p0 是和初始状态无关的唯一值,并且所有元素大于0。这其实是由决定的。 

我们把整个种群的状态看成马尔科夫链的一个状态 s,交叉、变异和选择操作则构建了一个概率转移矩阵。一般情况下,0<pm<1,0<=pc<=1,即物种变异一定会发生,但不是必然100%发生。我们来分析一下这时的概率转移矩阵的性质。

  • 让 C,M,分别表示交叉、变异和选择操作带来的概率转移,整体概率转移矩阵 P=CMS
    • 经过变异操作,种群状态 si 转化成种群状态 sj 的概率 Mi,j=(pm)h(1pm)nl-h>0,其中h是两个种群之间不同值的基因位数量。也就是说,是素矩阵
    • 经过选择操作,种群状态 si 保持不变的概率也就是说, 的所有列必定有一元素大于0。我们也可以知道概率转移矩阵 是素矩阵






Relevant Link: 

Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems: An Introductory Analysis with Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial IntelligenceRudolph, Günter. “Convergence analysis of canonical genetic algorithms.” Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on 5.1 (1994): 96-101.http://www.algorithmdog.com/%e9%81%97%e4%bc%a0%e7%ae%97%e6%b3%95%e7%b3%bb%e5%88%97%e4%b9%8b%e4%b8%89%e6%95%b0%e5%ad%a6%e6%91%86%e6%91%86%e6%89%8b%ef%bc%8c%e5%be%88%e6%83%ad%e6%84%a7%ef%bc%8c%e5%8f%aa%e5%81%9a%e4%ba%86


3. 典型遗传算法的一些变种衍生算法

自 John Henry Holland 在1992年提出《Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems》论文后,遗传编程又得到了大量研究者的关注和发展,提出了很多改进型的衍生算法。虽然这些算法在工业场景中不一定都适用,但是笔者觉得我们有必要了解和学习一下它们各自的算法思想,有利于我们在遇到各自的实际问题的时候,举一反三。



1. 多点杂交



2. 均匀杂交


均匀杂交算法(Uniform Crossover)就可以解决上述算法的这种局限性,该算法的主要过程如下:

  • 首先随机选择染色体上的交换位
  • 然后随机确定交换的基因是父本染色体上交换位的前部分基因,还是后部分基因(随机过程)
  • 最后对父本染色体的基因进行重组从而产生新的下一代个体

3. 洗牌杂交





1. 轮盘赌选择策略

轮盘赌选择策略是基于概率进行选择策略。轮盘赌算法有放回地采样出原种群大小的新一代种群,个体 Ii 的采样概率如下所示,


2. 锦标赛选择策略

锦标赛法从大小为 n 的种群随机选择 k(k小于n) 个个体,然后在 k 个个体中选择适应度最大的个体作为下一代种群的一个个体。反复多次,直到下一代种群有 n 个个体。 

0x3:种群繁衍策略变种 - 多种群并行








  • 当种群中各个个体适应度趋于一致或者趋于局部最优时,使pc和pm增加,增加扰动。使得种群具有更大的多样性,跳出潜在的局部最优陷阱
  • 当群体适应度比较分散时,使pc和pm减少。使得适应度高的个体和适应度低的个体保持分开,加快种群收敛速度
  • 不同个体也应该有不同的pc和pm:
    • 对于适应度高的个体,我们应该减少pc和pm以保护他进入下一代
    • 反之对适应度低的个体,我们应该增加pc和pm以增加扰动,提高个体多样性

Srinivas.M and Patnaik.L.M (1994) 为了让遗传算法具备更好的自适应性,提出来自适应遗传算法。在论文中,pc和pm的计算公式如下:







Relevant Link: 

Srinivas M, Patnaik L M. Adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation in genetic algorithms[J]. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on, 1994, 24(4): 656-667. http://www.algorithmdog.com/%e9%81%97%e4%bc%a0%e7%ae%97%e6%b3%95%e7%b3%bb%e5%88%97%e4%b9%8b%e5%9b%9b%e9%81%97%e4%bc%a0%e7%ae%97%e6%b3%95%e7%9a%84%e5%8f%98%e7%a7%8d


4. 用遗传编程自动生成一个能够拟合特定数据集的函数



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from random import random,randint,choicedef hiddenfunction(x,y):    return x**2 + 2*y + 3*x + 5def buildhiddenset():    rows = []    for i in range(200):        x=randint(0, 40)        y=randint(0, 40)        rows.append([x, y, hiddenfunction(x, y)])    return rowsif __name__ == '__main__':    print buildhiddenset()



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeaturesfrom sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegressionfrom random import random,randint,choicefrom mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3ddef hiddenfunction(x,y):    return x**2 + 2*y + 3*x + 5def buildhiddenset():    X = []    y = []    for i in range(200):        x_ = randint(0, 40)        y_ = randint(0, 40)        X.append([x_, y_])        y.append(hiddenfunction(x_, y_))    return np.array(X), np.array(y)if __name__ == '__main__':    # generate a dataset    X, y = buildhiddenset()    print "X:", X    print "y:", y    fig = plt.figure()    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')    ax.set_title("3D_Curve")    ax.set_xlabel("x")    ax.set_ylabel("y")    ax.set_zlabel("z")    # draw the figure, the color is r = read    figure = ax.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], y, c='r')    plt.show()




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeaturesfrom sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegressionfrom random import random,randint,choicefrom mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3dfrom sklearn.metrics import accuracy_scorefrom sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matriximport numpy as npnp.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf)def hiddenfunction(x,y):    return x**2 + 2*y + 3*x + 5def buildhiddenset():    X = []    y = []    for i in range(100):        x_ = randint(0, 40)        y_ = randint(0, 40)        X.append([x_, y_])        y.append(hiddenfunction(x_, y_))    return np.array(X), np.array(y)if __name__ == '__main__':    # generate a dataset    X, y = buildhiddenset()    print "X:", X    print "y:", y    fig = plt.figure()    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')    ax.set_title("3D_Curve")    ax.set_xlabel("x")    ax.set_ylabel("y")    ax.set_zlabel("z")    # draw the figure, the color is r = read    #figure = ax.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], y, c='r')    #plt.show()    # use Scikit-Learn PolynomialFeature class to constructing parameter terms.    # a,b,degree=2: [a, b, a^2, ab, b^2]    # a,b,degree=3: [a, b, a^2, ab, b^2, a^3, a^2b, ab^2, b^3]    # a,b,c,degree=3: [a, b, c, a^2, ab, ac, b^2, bc, c^2, a^3, a^2b, a^2c, ab^2, ac^2, abc, b^3, b^2c, bc^2, c^3]    poly_features = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2, include_bias=False)    # fit the dataset with Polynomial Regression Function, and X_poly is the fitting X result    X_poly = poly_features.fit_transform(X)    lin_reg = LinearRegression()    lin_reg.fit(X_poly, y)    print(lin_reg.intercept_, lin_reg.coef_)    y_predict = lin_reg.predict(X_poly)    y_predict = [int(i) for i in y_predict]    print "y_predict: ", y_predict    print "y: ", y    print 'accuracy for LinearRegression is: {0}'.format(accuracy_score(y, y_predict))    print 'error for LinearRegression is: {0}'.format(confusion_matrix(y, y_predict))    # draw the prediction curve    X_new_1 = np.linspace(0, 40, 100).reshape(100, 1)    X_new_2 = np.linspace(0, 40, 100).reshape(100, 1)    X_new = np.hstack((X_new_1, X_new_2))    # fit the X_new dataset with Polynomial Regression Function, and X_new_poly is the fitting X result    X_new_poly = poly_features.transform(X_new)    y_new = lin_reg.predict(X_new_poly)    y_new = [int(i) for i in y_new]    #print "X_new: ", X_new    #print "y_new: ", y_new    #print "y: ", y    # draw the prediction line    figure = ax.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], y, c='r')    figure = ax.plot(X_new[:, 0], X_new[:, 1], y_new, c='b', linewidth=2, label="Predictions")    plt.show()



  • mean_squared_error for LinearRegression is: 0.55
  • accuracy for LinearRegression is: 0.45




print(lin_reg.intercept_, lin_reg.coef_)(5.0000000000009095, array([ 3.00000000e+00, 2.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00, ,]))a,b,degree=2: [a, b, a^2, ab, b^2]模型学习到的:H = 3*X + 2*Y + X^2 + 4.70974246e-17*X*Y -7.81622966e-16*Y^2 + 5    原始数据集目标函数:H = 3*X + 2*Y + X^2 +  5



  • 过拟合问题普遍存在:即使在一个简单的数据集上,用这么简单的多项式回归参数,都还是出现了过拟合问题。可见过拟合问题在实际机器学习工程项目中,的确是可能大量存在的。
  • 冗余结构普遍存在:在上面的例子中,X*Y、和Y^2这两项是多出来的项,模型给这两个项分配的参数都是一个非常小的数字,小到几乎可以忽略(分别是4.70974246e-17和7.81622966e-16)。基本上来说,这两项对最终模型的预测结果的影响是很微小的,如果我们的场景是一个分类任务,那么这么小的权重几乎不会影响到最终的分类预测结果。因此,我们将这种被模型分配权重极小的项,称为冗余结构,冗余结构对分类任务的影响往往非常小。某种程度上来说,冗余结构缓解了过拟合问题










1. 构造树状程序(tree programs)基础数据结构及操作函数





class fwrapper:  def __init__(self,function,params,name):    self.function=function    self.childcount=param    self.name=name



class node:  def __init__(self,fw,children):    self.function=fw.function    self.name=fw.name    self.children=children  def evaluate(self,inp):        results=[n.evaluate(inp) for n in self.children]    return self.function(results)  def display(self,indent=0):    print (' '*indent)+self.name    for c in self.children:      c.display(indent+1)



class paramnode:  def __init__(self,idx):    self.idx=idx  def evaluate(self,inp):    return inp[self.idx]    def display(self,indent=0):    print '%sp%d' % (' '*indent,self.idx)



class constnode:  def __init__(self,v):    self.v=v        def evaluate(self,inp):    return self.v    def display(self,indent=0):    print '%s%d' % (' '*indent,self.v)




addw=fwrapper(lambda l:l[0]+l[1],2,'add')subw=fwrapper(lambda l:l[0]-l[1],2,'subtract') mulw=fwrapper(lambda l:l[0]*l[1],2,'multiply')def iffunc(l):  if l[0]>0: return l[1]  else: return l[2]ifw=fwrapper(iffunc,3,'if')def isgreater(l):  if l[0]>l[1]: return 1  else: return 0gtw=fwrapper(isgreater,2,'isgreater')flist=[addw,mulw,ifw,gtw,subw]


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import gp def exampletree():     # if arg[0] > 3:     #   return arg[1] + 5     # else:     #   return arg[1] - 2     return gp.node(         gp.ifw, [             gp.node(gp.gtw, [gp.paramnode(0), gp.constnode(3)]),             gp.node(gp.addw, [gp.paramnode(1), gp.constnode(5)]),             gp.node(gp.subw, [gp.paramnode(1), gp.constnode(2)])         ]     ) if __name__ == '__main__':     exampletree = exampletree()     # expected result = 1     print exampletree.evaluate([2, 3])     # expected result = 8     print exampletree.evaluate([5, 3])


2. 初始化一个随机种群(函数初始化)



  • 创建根节点并为其随机指定一个关联函数,然后再随机创建尽可能多的子节点
  • 递归地,父节点创建的子节点也可能会有它们自己的随机关联子节点
def makerandomtree(pc,maxdepth=4,fpr=0.5,ppr=0.6):  if random()
0: f=choice(flist) children=[makerandomtree(pc,maxdepth-1,fpr,ppr) for i in range(f.childcount)] return node(f,children) elif random()



3. 衡量种群个体的好坏



def scorefunction(tree,s):  dif=0  for data in s:    v=tree.evaluate([data[0],data[1]])    dif+=abs(v-data[2])  return dif


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import gpif __name__ == '__main__':    hiddenset = gp.buildhiddenset()    random1 = gp.makerandomtree(2)    random2 = gp.makerandomtree(2)    print gp.scorefunction(random1, hiddenset)    print gp.scorefunction(random2, hiddenset)


4. 对程序进行变异




  • 改变节点上的函数
  • 改变节点的分支
    • 改变节点所需子节点数目
    • 删除旧分支
    • 增加新的分支
    • 用全新的树来替换某一子树


def mutate(t,pc,probchange=0.1):  if random()



def crossover(t1,t2,probswap=0.7,top=1):  if random()


5. 持续迭代演化


def getrankfunction(dataset):   def rankfunction(population):     scores=[(scorefunction(t,dataset),t) for t in population]     scores.sort()     return scores   return rankfunction def evolve(pc,popsize,rankfunction,maxgen=500,            mutationrate=0.1,breedingrate=0.4,pexp=0.7,pnew=0.05):   # Returns a random number, tending towards lower numbers. The lower pexp   # is, more lower numbers you will get   def selectindex():     return int(log(random())/log(pexp))   # Create a random initial population   population=[makerandomtree(pc) for i in range(popsize)]   for i in range(maxgen):     scores=rankfunction(population)     print "function score: ", scores[0][0]     if scores[0][0]==0: break     # The two best always make it     newpop=[scores[0][1],scores[1][1]]     # Build the next generation     while len(newpop)
pnew: newpop.append(mutate( crossover(scores[selectindex()][1], scores[selectindex()][1], probswap=breedingrate), pc,probchange=mutationrate)) else: # Add a random node to mix things up newpop.append(makerandomtree(pc)) population=newpop scores[0][1].display() return scores[0][1]





  • rankfunction:对应一个函数,将一组程序从优到劣的顺序进行排列
  • mutationrate:代表发生变异的概率
  • breedingrate:代表发生交叉的概率
  • popsize:初始种群的大小
  • probexp:表示在构造新种群时,”选择评价较低的程序“这一概率的递减比例。该值越大,相应的筛选过程就越严格,即只选择评价最高的多少比例的个体作为复制对象
  • probnew:表示在构造新种群时,”引入一个全新的随机程序“的概率,该参数和probexp是”种群多样性“的重要决定参数
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import gpif __name__ == '__main__':    rf = gp.getrankfunction(gp.buildhiddenset())    gp.evolve(2, 500, rf, mutationrate=0.2, breedingrate=0.1)



((X+6)+Y)+X + (if( (X*Y)>0 ){X}else{X} + X*X) + (X + (Y - (X + if(6>0){
0})) )# X*Y恒大于02*X + Y + 6 + X + X**2 + (X + (Y - (X + if(6>0){
0})) )# 6恒大于02*X + Y + 6 + X + X**2 + X + Y - X + 1X**2 + 3*X + 2*Y + 5









# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import gpif __name__ == '__main__':    hiddenset = gp.buildhiddenset()    # 按照 5% 模来采样,即剔除1/10的数据,模拟采样不完全的情况    cnt = 0    for i in hiddenset:        if cnt % 10 == 0:            hiddenset.remove(i)        cnt += 1    print hiddenset    rf = gp.getrankfunction(hiddenset)    gp.evolve(2, 500, rf, mutationrate=0.2, breedingrate=0.1)


if( ((Y+4) + if(Y>X){
0} ) > 0){
0} + (Y+4) + X^2 + (Y + (X + (X+X)))# if( ((Y+4) + if(Y>X){
0} ) > 0){
0} 不可约if( ((Y+4) + if(Y>X){
0} ) > 0){
0} + X**2 + 3*X + 2*Y + 4# 真实的目标函数为:X**2 + 3*X + 2*Y + 5


更重要的是,因为数据集的非典型性(数据概率分布缺失),导致模型引入了真正的”过拟合复杂结构“,即”if( ((Y+4) + if(Y>X){1}else{0} ) > 0){1}else{0}“,这是一个区间函数。要知道,这仅仅是一个非常小的例子,尚且引入了如此的不确定性,在更复杂和更复杂的问题中,数据集的概率分布缺失会引发更大的”多余过拟合复杂结构问题“,影响程度的多少,根据数据缺失的程度而定。





最大的问题在于,仅仅选择表现最优异的少数个体,很快就会使种群变得极端同质化(homogeneous),或称为近亲交配。尽管种群中所包含的题解,表现都非常不错,但是它们彼此间不会有太大的差异,因为在这些题解间进行的交叉操作最终会导致群内的题解变得越来越相似。我们称这一现象为达到局部最大化(local maxima)。



  • 通过降低probexp的值,我们允许表现较差的题解进入最终的种群之中,从而将”适者生存(survival of fittest)“的筛选过程调整为”最适应者及其最幸运者生存(survival of the fittest and luckiest)“
  • 通过增加probnew的值,我们还允许全新的程序被随机地加入到种群中


Relevant Link:  



5. 用遗传编程自动得到正则表达式生成器 - Regex Golf Problem








# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from __future__ import divisionimport reimport itertoolsdef words(text):    return set(text.split())if __name__ == '__main__':    M = words('''afoot catfoot dogfoot fanfoot foody foolery foolish fooster footage        foothot footle footpad footway hotfoot jawfoot mafoo nonfood padfoot prefool sfoot unfool''')    U = words('''Atlas Aymoro Iberic Mahran Ormazd Silipan altared chandoo crenel crooked        fardo folksy forest hebamic idgah manlike marly palazzi sixfold tarrock unfold''')    print M & U


1. 定义可行解判断条件


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from __future__ import divisionimport reimport itertoolsdef words(text):    return set(text.split())def mistakes(regex, M, U):    "The set of mistakes made by this regex in classifying M and U."    return ({
"Should have matched: " + W for W in M if not re.search(regex, W)} | {
"Should not have matched: " + L for L in U if re.search(regex, L)})def verify(regex, M, U): assert not mistakes(regex, M, U) return Trueif __name__ == '__main__': M = words('''afoot catfoot dogfoot fanfoot foody foolery foolish fooster footage foothot footle footpad footway hotfoot jawfoot mafoo nonfood padfoot prefool sfoot unfool''') U = words('''Atlas Aymoro Iberic Mahran Ormazd Silipan altared chandoo crenel crooked fardo folksy forest hebamic idgah manlike marly palazzi sixfold tarrock unfold''') some_answer = "a*" print mistakes(some_answer, M, U)


2. 寻找可行解的策略

  • 对M中的每个词(短语)都进行一次正则候选集构造,包括以下步骤:
    • 遍历M中的每一个词的每一次字符,并过滤掉特殊字符(*+?^$.[](){}|\\),然后在中间遍历插入”*+?“,这是字符级别的混合交叉
    • 对M中的每一个词都加上首尾定界符,例如”^it$“,得到一个wholes词集
    • 对wholes词集进行ngram切分,得到一个ngram词集,例如对于词”^it$“来说,可以得到{'^', 'i', 't', '$', '^i', 'it', 't$', '^it', 'it$', '^it$'},作为一个正则串池。可以这么理解,这个池中的每个正则串都至少能命中一个M中的元素
    • 遍历上一步得到的正则串池中所有元素,逐字符用”.“字符进行替换,例如对于"^it$"来说,可以得到{'^it$', '^i.$', '^.t$', '^..$'}
    • 遍历上一步dotify的词集,逐字符遍历插入”*+?“这种repetition控制符,例如对于”a.c“来说,可以得到{'a+.c', 'a*.c', 'a?.c','a.c+', 'a.*c', 'a.?c','a.+c', 'a.c*', 'a.c?'},需要注意的是,在首位定界符前后不要加repetition控制符,同时不要同时加入2个repetition控制符
  • 从题解候选集中,筛选出至少能够匹配一个以上M,但是不匹配U的正则子串,这一步得到一个题解正则候选子集。这是一个贪婪迭代式的思想,它不求一步得到一条能够匹配所有M的正则,而是寻找一些能够解决一部分问题的正则子串,将困难问题分而治之
  • 使用OR拼接将题解正则候选子集拼接起来,例如”ab | cd“


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from __future__ import divisionimport reimport itertoolsOR  = '|'.join # Join a sequence of strings with '|' between themcat = ''.join  # Join a sequence of strings with nothing between themSet = frozenset # Data will be frozensets, so they can't be mutated.def words(text):    return set(text.split())def mistakes(regex, M, U):    "The set of mistakes made by this regex in classifying M and U."    return ({
"Should have matched: " + W for W in M if not re.search(regex, W)} | {
"Should not have matched: " + L for L in U if re.search(regex, L)})def verify(regex, M, U): assert not mistakes(regex, M, U) return Truedef matches(regex, strings): "Return a set of all the strings that are matched by regex." return {s for s in strings if re.search(regex, s)}def regex_parts(M, U): "Return parts that match at least one winner, but no loser." wholes = {
'^' + w + '$' for w in M} parts = {d for w in wholes for p in subparts(w) for d in dotify(p)} return wholes | {p for p in parts if not matches(p, U)}def subparts(word, N=4): "Return a set of subparts of word: consecutive characters up to length N (default 4)." return set(word[i:i + n + 1] for i in range(len(word)) for n in range(N))def dotify(part): "Return all ways to replace a subset of chars in part with '.'." choices = map(replacements, part) return {cat(chars) for chars in itertools.product(*choices)}def replacements(c): return c if c in '^$' else c + '.'def regex_covers(M, U): """Generate regex components and return a dict of {regex: {winner...}}. Each regex matches at least one winner and no loser.""" losers_str = '\n'.join(U) wholes = {
'^'+winner+'$' for winner in M} parts = {d for w in wholes for p in subparts(w) for d in dotify(p)} reps = {r for p in parts for r in repetitions(p)} pool = wholes | parts | pairs(M) | reps searchers = {p:re.compile(p, re.MULTILINE).search for p in pool} return {p: Set(filter(searchers[p], M)) for p in pool if not searchers[p](losers_str)}def pairs(winners, special_chars=Set('*+?^$.[](){}|\\')): chars = Set(cat(winners)) - special_chars return {A+'.'+q+B for A in chars for B in chars for q in '*+?'}def repetitions(part): """Return a set of strings derived by inserting a single repetition character ('+' or '*' or '?'), after each non-special character. Avoid redundant repetition of dots.""" splits = [(part[:i], part[i:]) for i in range(1, len(part)+1)] return {A + q + B for (A, B) in splits # Don't allow '^*' nor '$*' nor '..*' nor '.*.' if not (A[-1] in '^$') if not A.endswith('..') if not (A.endswith('.') and B.startswith('.')) for q in '*+?'}def tests(): assert subparts('^it$') == {
'^', 'i', 't', '$', '^i', 'it', 't$', '^it', 'it$', '^it$'} assert subparts('this') == {
't', 'h', 'i', 's', 'th', 'hi', 'is', 'thi', 'his', 'this'} assert dotify('it') == {
'it', 'i.', '.t', '..'} assert dotify('^it$') == {
'^it$', '^i.$', '^.t$', '^..$'} assert dotify('this') == {
'this', 'thi.', 'th.s', 'th..', 't.is', 't.i.', 't..s', 't...', '.his', '.hi.', '.h.s', '.h..', '..is', '..i.', '...s', '....'} assert repetitions('a') == {
'a+', 'a*', 'a?'} assert repetitions('ab') == {
'a+b', 'a*b', 'a?b', 'ab+', 'ab*', 'ab?'} assert repetitions('a.c') == {
'a+.c', 'a*.c', 'a?.c', 'a.c+', 'a.*c', 'a.?c', 'a.+c', 'a.c*', 'a.c?'} assert repetitions('^a..d$') == {
'^a+..d$', '^a*..d$', '^a?..d$', '^a..d+$', '^a..d*$', '^a..d?$'} assert pairs({
'ab', 'c'}) == { 'a.*a', 'a.*b', 'a.*c', 'a.+a', 'a.+b', 'a.+c', 'a.?a', 'a.?b', 'a.?c', 'b.*a', 'b.*b', 'b.*c', 'b.+a', 'b.+b', 'b.+c', 'b.?a', 'b.?b', 'b.?c', 'c.*a', 'c.*b', 'c.*c', 'c.+a', 'c.+b', 'c.+c', 'c.?a', 'c.?b','c.?c'} assert len(pairs({
'1...2...3', '($2.34)', '42', '56', '7-11'})) == 8 * 8 * 3 return 'tests pass'if __name__ == '__main__': M = words('''afoot catfoot dogfoot fanfoot foody foolery foolish fooster footage foothot footle footpad footway hotfoot jawfoot mafoo nonfood padfoot prefool sfoot unfool''') U = words('''Atlas Aymoro Iberic Mahran Ormazd Silipan altared chandoo crenel crooked fardo folksy forest hebamic idgah manlike marly palazzi sixfold tarrock unfold''') some_answer = "a*" # print mistakes(some_answer, M, U) print tests()


集合覆盖问题(set cover problem)是一个NP问题,几乎没有办法直接得到全局最优解。对这类复杂问题,一个有效的优化逼近方式就是贪婪迭代逼近,每次都求解一个局部最优值(例如每次生成一个能够覆盖最大M集合,但是不匹配U集合的正则子串),最后通过将所有局部最优解Ensemble起来得到一个最终题解(集成学习思想)

3. 穷举得到最终题解



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from __future__ import divisionimport reimport itertoolsOR  = '|'.join # Join a sequence of strings with '|' between themcat = ''.join  # Join a sequence of strings with nothing between themSet = frozenset # Data will be frozensets, so they can't be mutated.def words(text):    return set(text.split())def mistakes(regex, M, U):    "The set of mistakes made by this regex in classifying M and U."    return ({
"Should have matched: " + W for W in M if not re.search(regex, W)} | {
"Should not have matched: " + L for L in U if re.search(regex, L)})def verify(regex, M, U): assert not mistakes(regex, M, U) return Truedef matches(regex, strings): "Return a set of all the strings that are matched by regex." return {s for s in strings if re.search(regex, s)}def regex_parts(M, U): "Return parts that match at least one winner, but no loser." wholes = {
'^' + w + '$' for w in M} parts = {d for w in wholes for p in subparts(w) for d in dotify(p)} return wholes | {p for p in parts if not matches(p, U)}def subparts(word, N=4): "Return a set of subparts of word: consecutive characters up to length N (default 4)." return set(word[i:i + n + 1] for i in range(len(word)) for n in range(N))def dotify(part): "Return all ways to replace a subset of chars in part with '.'." choices = map(replacements, part) return {cat(chars) for chars in itertools.product(*choices)}def replacements(c): return c if c in '^$' else c + '.'def regex_covers(M, U): """Generate regex components and return a dict of {regex: {winner...}}. Each regex matches at least one winner and no loser.""" losers_str = '\n'.join(U) wholes = {
'^'+winner+'$' for winner in M} parts = {d for w in wholes for p in subparts(w) for d in dotify(p)} reps = {r for p in parts for r in repetitions(p)} pool = wholes | parts | pairs(M) | reps searchers = {p:re.compile(p, re.MULTILINE).search for p in pool} return {p: Set(filter(searchers[p], M)) for p in pool if not searchers[p](losers_str)}def pairs(winners, special_chars=Set('*+?^$.[](){}|\\')): chars = Set(cat(winners)) - special_chars return {A+'.'+q+B for A in chars for B in chars for q in '*+?'}def repetitions(part): """Return a set of strings derived by inserting a single repetition character ('+' or '*' or '?'), after each non-special character. Avoid redundant repetition of dots.""" splits = [(part[:i], part[i:]) for i in range(1, len(part)+1)] return {A + q + B for (A, B) in splits # Don't allow '^*' nor '$*' nor '..*' nor '.*.' if not (A[-1] in '^$') if not A.endswith('..') if not (A.endswith('.') and B.startswith('.')) for q in '*+?'}def tests(): assert subparts('^it$') == {
'^', 'i', 't', '$', '^i', 'it', 't$', '^it', 'it$', '^it$'} assert subparts('this') == {
't', 'h', 'i', 's', 'th', 'hi', 'is', 'thi', 'his', 'this'} assert dotify('it') == {
'it', 'i.', '.t', '..'} assert dotify('^it$') == {
'^it$', '^i.$', '^.t$', '^..$'} assert dotify('this') == {
'this', 'thi.', 'th.s', 'th..', 't.is', 't.i.', 't..s', 't...', '.his', '.hi.', '.h.s', '.h..', '..is', '..i.', '...s', '....'} assert repetitions('a') == {
'a+', 'a*', 'a?'} assert repetitions('ab') == {
'a+b', 'a*b', 'a?b', 'ab+', 'ab*', 'ab?'} assert repetitions('a.c') == {
'a+.c', 'a*.c', 'a?.c', 'a.c+', 'a.*c', 'a.?c', 'a.+c', 'a.c*', 'a.c?'} assert repetitions('^a..d$') == {
'^a+..d$', '^a*..d$', '^a?..d$', '^a..d+$', '^a..d*$', '^a..d?$'} assert pairs({
'ab', 'c'}) == { 'a.*a', 'a.*b', 'a.*c', 'a.+a', 'a.+b', 'a.+c', 'a.?a', 'a.?b', 'a.?c', 'b.*a', 'b.*b', 'b.*c', 'b.+a', 'b.+b', 'b.+c', 'b.?a', 'b.?b', 'b.?c', 'c.*a', 'c.*b', 'c.*c', 'c.+a', 'c.+b', 'c.+c', 'c.?a', 'c.?b','c.?c'} assert len(pairs({
'1...2...3', '($2.34)', '42', '56', '7-11'})) == 8 * 8 * 3 return 'tests pass'def findregex(winners, losers, k=4, addRepetition=False): "Find a regex that matches all winners but no losers (sets of strings)." # Make a pool of regex parts, then pick from them to cover winners. # On each iteration, add the 'best' part to 'solution', # remove winners covered by best, and keep in 'pool' only parts # that still match some winner. if addRepetition: pool = regex_covers(winners, losers) else: pool = regex_parts(winners, losers) solution = [] def score(part): return k * len(matches(part, winners)) - len(part) while winners: best = max(pool, key=score) solution.append(best) winners = winners - matches(best, winners) pool = {r for r in pool if matches(r, winners)} return OR(solution)if __name__ == '__main__': M = words('''afoot catfoot dogfoot fanfoot foody foolery foolish fooster footage foothot footle footpad footway hotfoot jawfoot mafoo nonfood padfoot prefool sfoot unfool''') U = words('''Atlas Aymoro Iberic Mahran Ormazd Silipan altared chandoo crenel crooked fardo folksy forest hebamic idgah manlike marly palazzi sixfold tarrock unfold''') solution = findregex(M, U, addRepetition=True) if verify(solution, M, U): print len(solution), solution solution = findregex(M, U, addRepetition=False) if verify(solution, M, U): print len(solution), solution


4. 尝试生成一段描述恶意webshell样本的零误报正则


但是笔者在实际操作中发现,用regex golf这种问题的搜索空间是非常巨大的,当M和U的规模扩大时(例如大量webshell文件),所产生的正则子串候选集会是一个巨量的天文数字,该算法本质上还是相当于在进行穷举搜索,搜索效率十分低下。



还是上一小节的Regex golf问题,现在我们来尝试用遗传编程来优化搜索效率。

1. 解题策略分析

原的策略是基于遗传算法生成一个”xx | xx“的双正则子串,即每次得到的个体最多有两个子串,然后按照上一小节中类似的贪婪策略进行逐步OR拼接。

笔者这里决定修改一下思路,直接基于遗传编程对整个题解空间进行搜索,即构造一个完整题解的regex tree,这是一种全局最优解搜索的优化思路。

2. 基础数据结构定义


  • ”ROOT“:根节点,一棵树有且只有一个根节点,根节点一定是一个”|“分裂节点,即一个题解必须包含2个及2个以上的正则子串
  • ”|“:代表一个分裂符号,树结构从这里分裂一次,分裂符号的参数分别是两个placeholder占位符
  • dot(”.“):代表一个占位符,用于保存子节点信息,每个占位符解析完毕后都会在头尾加入定界符”^“和”$“,例如”^ab$ | ^cd$“
  • 字符串:由M序列的ngram序列组成的集合(2 <= n <= 4),例如”foo“
  • 修饰符:包括
    • ”.*+“
    • ”.++“
    • ”.?+“
    • ”.{.,.}+“:花括号内部包含两个占位符,定义域为正整数,且参数2大于等于参数1
    • ”(.)“:组,括号内部包含一个占位符
    • ”[.]“:中括号内部包含一个占位符
    • ”[^.]“:取非的字符类
  • ”..“:连接符,代表一种操作,将两个子节点拼接起来

基于上述基本元素定义,我们可以将题解正则表达式抽象为一个树结构(regex tree),如下图,

(foo) | (ba++r)


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from random import random, randint, choice import re import itertools # "ROOT" class rootnode:     def __init__(self, left_child_node, right_child_node):         if left_child_node and right_child_node:             self.left_child_node = left_child_node             self.right_child_node = right_child_node         else:             self.left_child_node = node             self.right_child_node = node     def display(self):         return "|" # universal child node class node:     def __init__(self, node):         self.node = node # "|" class spliternode:     def __init__(self, left_child_dotplaceholder, right_child_dotplaceholder):         if left_child_dotplaceholder and right_child_dotplaceholder:             self.left_child_dotplaceholder = left_child_dotplaceholder             self.right_child_dotplaceholder = right_child_dotplaceholder         else:             self.left_child_dotplaceholder = node             self.right_child_dotplaceholder = node     def display(self):         return "|" # "(.)" class dotplaceholdernode:     def __init__(self, childnode=None):         if childnode:             self.childnode = childnode         else:             self.childnode = node # "foo" class charnode:     def __init__(self, charstring):         if charstring:             self.charstring = charstring         else:             self.charstring = node     def display(self):         return self.charstring # ".." class concat_node:     def __init__(self, left_child_node, right_child_node):         if left_child_node and right_child_node:             self.left_child_node = left_child_node             self.right_child_node = right_child_node         else:             self.left_child_node = node             self.right_child_node = node # "++" class qualifiernode:     def __init__(self, qualifierstrig):         if qualifierstrig:             self.qualifierstrig = qualifierstrig         else:             self.qualifierstrig = node     def display(self):         return self.qualifierstrig def exampletree():   return rootnode(             dotplaceholdernode(                 charnode("foo")             ),             dotplaceholdernode(                 concat_node(                     concat_node(                         charnode("ba"),                         qualifiernode("++")                     ),                     charnode("r")                 )             )         ) # left child deep first travel def printregextree(rootnode_i):     if rootnode_i is None:         return ""     if isinstance(rootnode_i, rootnode):         # concat the finnal regex str         finnal_regexstr = ""         finnal_regexstr += printregextree(rootnode_i.left_child_node)         finnal_regexstr += rootnode_i.display()         finnal_regexstr += printregextree(rootnode_i.right_child_node)         return finnal_regexstr     if isinstance(rootnode_i, spliternode):         # concat the finnal regex str         split_regexstr = ""         split_regexstr += printregextree(rootnode_i.left_child_dotplaceholder)         split_regexstr += rootnode_i.display()         split_regexstr += printregextree(rootnode_i.right_child_dotplaceholder)         return split_regexstr     if isinstance(rootnode_i, dotplaceholdernode):         return printregextree(rootnode_i.childnode)     if isinstance(rootnode_i, charnode):         return rootnode_i.display()     if isinstance(rootnode_i, concat_node):         concat_str = ""         concat_str += printregextree(rootnode_i.left_child_node)         concat_str += printregextree(rootnode_i.right_child_node)         return concat_str     if isinstance(rootnode_i, qualifiernode):         return rootnode_i.display() def matches(regex, strings):     "Return a set of all the strings that are matched by regex."     return {s for s in strings if re.search(regex, s)} def regex_parts(M, U):     "Return parts that match at least one winner, but no loser."     wholes = {'^' + w + '$' for w in M}     parts = {d for w in wholes for p in subparts(w) for d in p}     return wholes | {p for p in parts if not matches(p, U)} def subparts(word, N=5):     "Return a set of subparts of word: consecutive characters up to length N (default 4)."     return set(word[i:i + n + 1] for i in range(len(word)) for n in range(N)) def words(text):     return set(text.split()) def makerandomtree(M, U, parentnode=None, splitrate=0.5, concatrate=0.5, charrate=0.5, qualifierate=0.5, maxdepth=12, curren_level=0):     if curren_level > maxdepth:         print "curren_level > maxdepth: ", curren_level         return     # ROOT node     if isinstance(parentnode, rootnode):         curren_level = 0         print "curren_level: ", curren_level         # init root node         print "init rootnode: ", curren_level         rootnode_i = rootnode(             dotplaceholdernode(None),             dotplaceholdernode(None)         )         # create left child node         print "new dotplaceholdernode"         rootnode_i.left_child_node = makerandomtree(M, U, rootnode_i.left_child_node, splitrate, concatrate, charrate,                                                     qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level)         print "new dotplaceholdernode"         # create right child node         rootnode_i.right_child_node = makerandomtree(M, U, rootnode_i.right_child_node, splitrate, concatrate, charrate,                                                      qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level)         return rootnode_i     # ".." dot placeholder node     if isinstance(parentnode, dotplaceholdernode):         curren_level += 1         print "curren_level: ", curren_level         # "|"         if random() < splitrate:             print "new spliternode"             return makerandomtree(M, U, spliternode(None, None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate,                                   qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level)         # ".."         elif random() < concatrate:             print "new concat_node"             return makerandomtree(M, U, concat_node(None, None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate,                                   qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level)         # "foo"         elif random() < charrate:             print "new charnode"             return makerandomtree(M, U, charnode(None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate,                                   qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level)     # "|" split node     if isinstance(parentnode, spliternode):         curren_level += 1         print "curren_level: ", curren_level         print "init spliternode"         splitnode_i = spliternode(             dotplaceholdernode(None),             dotplaceholdernode(None)         )         print "new dotplaceholdernode"         splitnode_i.left_child_dotplaceholder = makerandomtree(M, U, splitnode_i.left_child_dotplaceholder,                                                                splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate,                                                                maxdepth, curren_level)         print "new dotplaceholdernode"         splitnode_i.right_child_dotplaceholder = makerandomtree(M, U, splitnode_i.right_child_dotplaceholder,                                                                 splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate,                                                                 maxdepth, curren_level)         return splitnode_i     # ".." concat node     if isinstance(parentnode, concat_node):         curren_level += 1         print "curren_level: ", curren_level         # "foo"         if random() < charrate:             print "new charnode"             return makerandomtree(M, U, charnode(None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate,                                   qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level)         # "++"         if random() < qualifierate:             print "new qualifiernode"             return makerandomtree(M, U, qualifiernode(None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate,                                   qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level)     # "foo" char node     if isinstance(parentnode, charnode):         curren_level += 1         print "curren_level: ", curren_level         charnode_str = choice(list(regex_parts(M, U)))         print "charnode_str: ", charnode_str         print "new charnode"         charnode_i = charnode(charnode_str)         return charnode_i     # "++" qualifierate node     if isinstance(parentnode, qualifiernode):         curren_level += 1         print "curren_level: ", curren_level         qualifiernode_str = choice(['.', '+', '?', '*', '.*', '.+', '.*?'])         print "qualifiernode_str: ", qualifiernode_str         print "new qualifiernode"         qualifiernode_i = qualifiernode(qualifiernode_str)         return qualifiernode_i if __name__ == '__main__':     exampletree = exampletree()     print type(exampletree), exampletree     print printregextree(exampletree)

3. Regex Tree生长策略

有了基本的数据结构,现在定义一下regex tree的生长准则,

  • 每棵树都从ROOT根节点开始生长,根节点就是一个“|”节点
  • ”|“的左右子节点必须是”.“dot placeholder节点 ”.“dot placeholder节点的子节点可以是以下几种节点类型:
    • 字符串节点
    • ”..“:concat节点
    • ”|“:新的分裂节点
  • 字符串节点从M的ngram词汇表中随机选取,ngram list生成原理参考上一小节
  • “..”拼接节点的左右子节点可以是以下几种节点类型:
    • 字符串节点
    • 修饰符节点

4. 损失函数定义




def scorefunction(tree, M, U, w=1):     dif = 0     regex_str = printregextree(tree)     M_cn, U_cn = 0, 0     for s in list(M):         try:             if re.search(regex_str, s):                 M_cn += 1         except Exception, e:             print e.message, "regex_str: ", regex_str             # this regex tree is illegal, low socre!!             return -8     for u in list(U):         if re.search(regex_str, u):             U_cn += 1     # print "M_cn: ", M_cn     # print "U_cn: ", U_cn     dif = w * (M_cn - U_cn) - len(regex_str)     return dif

上面代码中有一点值得注意,由于regex tree的生成具有一定的随机性,因此很可能产生不合法的正则串,因此对不合法的正则串给予较低的分值,驱使它淘汰。


def rankfunction(M, U, population):     scores = [(scorefunction(t, M, U), t) for t in population]     scores.sort()     return scores

5. 随机初始化regex tree

按照遗传编程的定义,我们先随机初始化一棵符合题解规约的regex tree,

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from random import random, randint, choiceimport reimport itertools# "ROOT"class rootnode:    def __init__(self, left_child_node, right_child_node):        if left_child_node and right_child_node:            self.left_child_node = left_child_node            self.right_child_node = right_child_node        else:            self.left_child_node = node            self.right_child_node = node    def display(self):        return "|"# universal child nodeclass node:    def __init__(self, node):        self.node = node# "|"class spliternode:    def __init__(self, left_child_dotplaceholder, right_child_dotplaceholder):        if left_child_dotplaceholder and right_child_dotplaceholder:            self.left_child_dotplaceholder = left_child_dotplaceholder            self.right_child_dotplaceholder = right_child_dotplaceholder        else:            self.left_child_dotplaceholder = node            self.right_child_dotplaceholder = node    def display(self):        return "|"# "(.)"class dotplaceholdernode:    def __init__(self, childnode=None):        if childnode:            self.childnode = childnode        else:            self.childnode = node# "foo"class charnode:    def __init__(self, charstring):        if charstring:            self.charstring = charstring        else:            self.charstring = node    def display(self):        return self.charstring# ".."class concat_node:    def __init__(self, left_child_node, right_child_node):        if left_child_node and right_child_node:            self.left_child_node = left_child_node            self.right_child_node = right_child_node        else:            self.left_child_node = node            self.right_child_node = node# "++"class qualifiernode:    def __init__(self, qualifierstrig):        if qualifierstrig:            self.qualifierstrig = qualifierstrig        else:            self.qualifierstrig = node    def display(self):        return self.qualifierstrigdef exampletree():  return rootnode(            dotplaceholdernode(                charnode("foo")            ),            dotplaceholdernode(                concat_node(                    concat_node(                        charnode("ba"),                        qualifiernode("++")                    ),                    charnode("r")                )            )        )# left child deep first traveldef printregextree(rootnode_i):    if rootnode_i is None:        return ""    if isinstance(rootnode_i, rootnode):        # concat the finnal regex str        finnal_regexstr = ""        finnal_regexstr += printregextree(rootnode_i.left_child_node)        finnal_regexstr += rootnode_i.display()        finnal_regexstr += printregextree(rootnode_i.right_child_node)        return finnal_regexstr    if isinstance(rootnode_i, spliternode):        # concat the finnal regex str        split_regexstr = ""        split_regexstr += printregextree(rootnode_i.left_child_dotplaceholder)        split_regexstr += rootnode_i.display()        split_regexstr += printregextree(rootnode_i.right_child_dotplaceholder)        return split_regexstr    if isinstance(rootnode_i, dotplaceholdernode):        return printregextree(rootnode_i.childnode)    if isinstance(rootnode_i, charnode):        return rootnode_i.display()    if isinstance(rootnode_i, concat_node):        concat_str = ""        concat_str += printregextree(rootnode_i.left_child_node)        concat_str += printregextree(rootnode_i.right_child_node)        return concat_str    if isinstance(rootnode_i, qualifiernode):        return rootnode_i.display()def matches(regex, strings):    "Return a set of all the strings that are matched by regex."    return {s for s in strings if re.search(regex, s)}def regex_parts(M, U):    "Return parts that match at least one winner, but no loser."    wholes = {
'^' + w + '$' for w in M} parts = {d for w in wholes for p in subparts(w) for d in p} return wholes | {p for p in parts if not matches(p, U)}def subparts(word, N=5): "Return a set of subparts of word: consecutive characters up to length N (default 4)." return set(word[i:i + n + 1] for i in range(len(word)) for n in range(N))def words(text): return set(text.split())def makerandomtree(M, U, parentnode=None, splitrate=0.5, concatrate=0.5, charrate=0.5, qualifierate=0.5, maxdepth=12, curren_level=0): if curren_level > maxdepth: print "curren_level > maxdepth: ", curren_level return # ROOT node if isinstance(parentnode, rootnode): curren_level = 0 print "curren_level: ", curren_level # init root node print "init rootnode: ", curren_level rootnode_i = rootnode( dotplaceholdernode(None), dotplaceholdernode(None) ) # create left child node print "new dotplaceholdernode" rootnode_i.left_child_node = makerandomtree(M, U, rootnode_i.left_child_node, splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) print "new dotplaceholdernode" # create right child node rootnode_i.right_child_node = makerandomtree(M, U, rootnode_i.right_child_node, splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) return rootnode_i # ".." dot placeholder node if isinstance(parentnode, dotplaceholdernode): curren_level += 1 print "curren_level: ", curren_level # "|" if random() < splitrate: print "new spliternode" return makerandomtree(M, U, spliternode(None, None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) # ".." elif random() < concatrate: print "new concat_node" return makerandomtree(M, U, concat_node(None, None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) # "foo" elif random() < charrate: print "new charnode" return makerandomtree(M, U, charnode(None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) # "|" split node if isinstance(parentnode, spliternode): curren_level += 1 print "curren_level: ", curren_level print "init spliternode" splitnode_i = spliternode( dotplaceholdernode(None), dotplaceholdernode(None) ) print "new dotplaceholdernode" splitnode_i.left_child_dotplaceholder = makerandomtree(M, U, splitnode_i.left_child_dotplaceholder, splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) print "new dotplaceholdernode" splitnode_i.right_child_dotplaceholder = makerandomtree(M, U, splitnode_i.right_child_dotplaceholder, splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) return splitnode_i # ".." concat node if isinstance(parentnode, concat_node): curren_level += 1 print "curren_level: ", curren_level # "foo" if random() < charrate: print "new charnode" return makerandomtree(M, U, charnode(None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) # "++" if random() < qualifierate: print "new qualifiernode" return makerandomtree(M, U, qualifiernode(None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) # "foo" char node if isinstance(parentnode, charnode): curren_level += 1 print "curren_level: ", curren_level charnode_str = choice(list(regex_parts(M, U))) print "charnode_str: ", charnode_str print "new charnode" charnode_i = charnode(charnode_str) return charnode_i # "++" qualifierate node if isinstance(parentnode, qualifiernode): curren_level += 1 print "curren_level: ", curren_level qualifiernode_str = choice(['.', '+', '?', '*', '.*', '.+', '.*?']) print "qualifiernode_str: ", qualifiernode_str print "new qualifiernode" qualifiernode_i = qualifiernode(qualifiernode_str) return qualifiernode_iif __name__ == '__main__': exampletree = exampletree() print type(exampletree), exampletree print printregextree(exampletree) M = words('''afoot catfoot dogfoot fanfoot foody foolery foolish fooster footage foothot footle footpad footway hotfoot jawfoot mafoo nonfood padfoot prefool sfoot unfool''') U = words('''Atlas Aymoro Iberic Mahran Ormazd Silipan altared chandoo crenel crooked fardo folksy forest hebamic idgah manlike marly palazzi sixfold tarrock unfold''') print regex_parts(M, U) rd1 = makerandomtree(M, U, parentnode=rootnode(None, None), splitrate=0.5, concatrate=0.5, charrate=0.5, qualifierate=0.5, maxdepth=12, curren_level=0) print rd1 print printregextree(rd1)


6. 遗传变异



mutate变异遍历整个regex tree,针对不同节点采取不同的变异策略:

  • ”concat node“:根据一定的概率决定是否随机用一颗新树代替两个子节点
  • ”char node“节点:根据一定的概率决定是否随机从ngram候选列表中选一个新的char sring代替
  • "qualifiernode node"节点:根据一定的概率决定是否随机从修饰符候选集中选一个新的qualifiernode string代替
def mutate(M, U, t, probchange=0.2):     if random() < probchange:         return makerandomtree(M, U)     else:         result = deepcopy(t)         if hasattr(t, "left_concatchildnode"):             result.left_concatchildnode = mutate(M, U, t.left_concatchildnode, probchange)         if hasattr(t, "right_concatchildnode"):             result.right_concatchildnode = mutate(M, U, t.right_concatchildnode, probchange)         if hasattr(t, "childnode"):             result.childnode = mutate(M, U, t.childnode, probchange)         if hasattr(t, "qualifierstrig"):             result.qualifierstrig = qualifiernode(choice(['.', '+', '?', '*', '.*', '.+', '.*?']))         if hasattr(t, "charstring"):             result.charstring = charnode(choice(list(regex_parts(M, U))))         return result



crossover交叉是同序遍历两棵regex tree,按照一定的概率决定是否要将各自的节点进行互换。

def crossover(t1, t2, probswap=0.7):    if random() < probswap:        return deepcopy(t2)    else:        result = deepcopy(t1)        if hasattr(t1, 'left_childnode') and hasattr(t2, 'left_childnode'):            result.left_childnode = crossover(t1.left_childnode, t2.left_childnode, probswap)        if hasattr(t1, 'right_childnode') and hasattr(t2, 'right_childnode'):            result.right_childnode = crossover(t1.right_childnode, t2.right_childnode, probswap)        if hasattr(t1, 'childnode') and hasattr(t2, 'childnode'):            result.childnode = crossover(t1.childnode, t2.childnode, probswap)        if hasattr(t1, 'qualifierstrig') and hasattr(t2, 'qualifierstrig'):            result.qualifierstrig = t2.qualifierstrig        if hasattr(t1, 'charstring') and hasattr(t2, 'charstring'):            result.charstring = t2.charstring    return result 


7. 自动遗传迭代进化

至此,regex tree遗传进化的所有元素都已经准备妥当了,我们现在可以开始编写遗传进化算法主程序了,让程序自动生成一段符合题解的正则。

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from random import random, randint, choiceimport refrom copy import deepcopyimport itertoolsfrom math import logimport numpy as npimport os# "ROOT"class rootnode:    def __init__(self, left_childnode, right_childnode):        if left_childnode and right_childnode:            self.left_childnode = left_childnode            self.right_childnode = right_childnode        else:            self.left_childnode = node            self.right_childnode = node    def display(self):        return "|"# universal child nodeclass node:    def __init__(self, node):        self.node = node# "|"class spliternode:    def __init__(self, left_childnode, right_childnode):        if left_childnode and right_childnode:            self.left_childnode = left_childnode            self.right_childnode = right_childnode        else:            self.left_childnode = node            self.right_childnode = node    def display(self):        return "|"# "(.)"class dotplaceholdernode:    def __init__(self, childnode=None):        if childnode:            self.childnode = childnode        else:            self.childnode = node# "foo"class charnode:    def __init__(self, charstring):        if charstring:            self.charstring = charstring        else:            self.charstring = node    def display(self):        return self.charstring# ".."class concat_node:    def __init__(self, left_concatchildnode, right_concatchildnode):        if left_concatchildnode and right_concatchildnode:            self.left_concatchildnode = left_concatchildnode            self.right_concatchildnode = right_concatchildnode        else:            self.left_concatchildnode = node            self.right_concatchildnode = node# "++"class qualifiernode:    def __init__(self, qualifierstrig):        if qualifierstrig:            self.qualifierstrig = qualifierstrig        else:            self.qualifierstrig = node    def display(self):        return self.qualifierstrigdef exampletree():  return rootnode(            dotplaceholdernode(                charnode("foo")            ),            dotplaceholdernode(                concat_node(                    concat_node(                        charnode("ba"),                        qualifiernode("++")                    ),                    charnode("r")                )            )        )# left child deep first traveldef printregextree(rootnode_i):    if rootnode_i is None:        return ""    if isinstance(rootnode_i, rootnode):        # concat the finnal regex str        finnal_regexstr = ""        finnal_regexstr += printregextree(rootnode_i.left_childnode)        finnal_regexstr += rootnode_i.display()        finnal_regexstr += printregextree(rootnode_i.right_childnode)        return finnal_regexstr    if isinstance(rootnode_i, spliternode):        # concat the finnal regex str        split_regexstr = ""        split_regexstr += printregextree(rootnode_i.left_childnode)        split_regexstr += rootnode_i.display()        split_regexstr += printregextree(rootnode_i.right_childnode)        return split_regexstr    if isinstance(rootnode_i, dotplaceholdernode):        return printregextree(rootnode_i.childnode)    if isinstance(rootnode_i, charnode):        return rootnode_i.display()    if isinstance(rootnode_i, concat_node):        concat_str = ""        concat_str += printregextree(rootnode_i.left_concatchildnode)        concat_str += printregextree(rootnode_i.right_concatchildnode)        return concat_str    if isinstance(rootnode_i, qualifiernode):        return rootnode_i.display()def matches(regex, strings):    "Return a set of all the strings that are matched by regex."    return {s for s in strings if re.search(regex, s)}def regex_parts(M, U):    "Return parts that match at least one winner, but no loser."    wholes = {
'^' + w + '$' for w in M} parts = {d for w in wholes for p in subparts(w) for d in p} return wholes | {p for p in parts if not matches(p, U)}def subparts(word, N=5): "Return a set of subparts of word: consecutive characters up to length N (default 4)." return set(word[i:i + n + 1] for i in range(len(word)) for n in range(N))def words(text): return set(text.split())def makerandomtree(M, U, charnode_pool, parentnode=rootnode(None, None), splitrate=0.7, concatrate=0.7, charrate=0.7, qualifierate=0.7, maxdepth=6, curren_level=0, stopearly=0.1): if curren_level > maxdepth: #print "curren_level > maxdepth: ", curren_level return if random() < stopearly: return # ROOT node if isinstance(parentnode, rootnode): curren_level = 0 #print "curren_level: ", curren_level # init root node #print "init rootnode: ", curren_level rootnode_i = rootnode( dotplaceholdernode(None), dotplaceholdernode(None) ) # create left child node #print "new dotplaceholdernode" rootnode_i.left_childnode = makerandomtree(M, U, charnode_pool, rootnode_i.left_childnode, splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) #print "new dotplaceholdernode" # create right child node rootnode_i.right_childnode = makerandomtree(M, U, charnode_pool, rootnode_i.right_childnode, splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) return rootnode_i # ".." dot placeholder node if isinstance(parentnode, dotplaceholdernode): curren_level += 1 #print "curren_level: ", curren_level # "|" if random() < splitrate: #print "new spliternode" return makerandomtree(M, U, charnode_pool, spliternode(None, None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) # ".." elif random() < concatrate: #print "new concat_node" return makerandomtree(M, U, charnode_pool, concat_node(None, None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) # "foo" elif random() < charrate: #print "new charnode" return makerandomtree(M, U, charnode_pool, charnode(None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) # "|" split node if isinstance(parentnode, spliternode): curren_level += 1 #print "curren_level: ", curren_level #print "init spliternode" splitnode_i = spliternode( dotplaceholdernode(None), dotplaceholdernode(None) ) #print "new dotplaceholdernode" splitnode_i.left_childnode = makerandomtree(M, U, charnode_pool, splitnode_i.left_childnode, splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) #print "new dotplaceholdernode" splitnode_i.right_childnode = makerandomtree(M, U, charnode_pool, splitnode_i.right_childnode, splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) return splitnode_i # ".." concat node if isinstance(parentnode, concat_node): curren_level += 1 #print "curren_level: ", curren_level # "foo" if random() < charrate: #print "new charnode" return makerandomtree(M, U, charnode_pool, charnode(None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) # "++" if random() < qualifierate: #print "new qualifiernode" return makerandomtree(M, U, charnode_pool, qualifiernode(None), splitrate, concatrate, charrate, qualifierate, maxdepth, curren_level) # "foo" char node if isinstance(parentnode, charnode): curren_level += 1 #print "curren_level: ", curren_level charnode_str = choice(charnode_pool) #print "charnode_str: ", charnode_str #print "new charnode" charnode_i = charnode(charnode_str) return charnode_i # "++" qualifierate node if isinstance(parentnode, qualifiernode): curren_level += 1 #print "curren_level: ", curren_level qualifiernode_str = choice(['.', '+', '?', '*', '.*', '.+', '.*?']) #print "qualifiernode_str: ", qualifiernode_str #print "new qualifiernode" qualifiernode_i = qualifiernode(qualifiernode_str) return qualifiernode_idef scorefunction(tree, M, U, w=1): dif = 0 regex_str = printregextree(tree) M_cn, U_cn = 0, 0 for s in list(M): try: if re.search(regex_str, s): M_cn += 1 except Exception, e: # print e.message, "regex_str: ", regex_str # this regex tree is illegal, low socre!! return -32 for u in list(U): if re.search(regex_str, u): U_cn += 1 # print "M_cn: ", M_cn # print "U_cn: ", U_cn dif = w * (M_cn - 2*U_cn) - len(regex_str) return difdef rankfunction_(M, U, population): scores = [(scorefunction(t, M, U), t) for t in population] # remove illegal regex scores_ = [] for i in scores: if i[1]: scores_.append(i) scores_.sort(reverse=True) return scores_def mutate(M, U, charnode_pool, t, probchange=0.4): if random() < probchange: return makerandomtree(M, U, charnode_pool) else: result = deepcopy(t) if hasattr(t, "left_concatchildnode"): result.left_concatchildnode = mutate(M, U, charnode_pool, t.left_concatchildnode, probchange) if hasattr(t, "right_concatchildnode"): result.right_concatchildnode = mutate(M, U, charnode_pool, t.right_concatchildnode, probchange) if hasattr(t, "childnode"): result.childnode = mutate(M, U, charnode_pool, t.childnode, probchange) if hasattr(t, "qualifierstrig"): result.qualifierstrig = qualifiernode(choice(['.', '+', '?', '*', '.*', '.+', '.*?'])) if hasattr(t, "charstring"): result.charstring = charnode(choice(charnode_pool)) return resultdef crossover(t1, t2, probswap=0.5): if random() < probswap: return deepcopy(t2) else: result = deepcopy(t1) if hasattr(t1, 'left_childnode') and hasattr(t2, 'left_childnode'): result.left_childnode = crossover(t1.left_childnode, t2.left_childnode, probswap) if hasattr(t1, 'right_childnode') and hasattr(t2, 'right_childnode'): result.right_childnode = crossover(t1.right_childnode, t2.right_childnode, probswap) if hasattr(t1, 'childnode') and hasattr(t2, 'childnode'): result.childnode = crossover(t1.childnode, t2.childnode, probswap) if hasattr(t1, 'qualifierstrig') and hasattr(t2, 'qualifierstrig'): result.qualifierstrig = t2.qualifierstrig if hasattr(t1, 'charstring') and hasattr(t2, 'charstring'): result.charstring = t2.charstring return resultdef evolve(M, U, charnode_pool, popsize=128, rankfunction=rankfunction_, maxgen=500, mutationrate=0.6, probswap=0.5, pexp=0.3, pnew=0.8): # Returns a random number, tending towards lower numbers. # The lower pexp is, more lower numbers you will get # probexp:表示在构造新种群时,”选择评价较低的程序“这一概率的递减比例。该值越大,相应的筛选过程就越严格,即只选择评价最高的多少比例的个体作为复制对象 def selectindex(): return int(log(random()) / log(pexp)) # Create a random initial population population = [makerandomtree(M, U, charnode_pool) for i in range(popsize)] scores = [] for i in range(maxgen): scores = rankfunction(M, U, population) print scores[0] print "evole round: {0}, top score: {1}, regex_str: {2}".format(i, scores[0][0], printregextree(scores[0][1])) if scores[0][0] > 0: print "found good solution: {0}".format(printregextree(scores[0][1])) break # The top 20% always make it # newpop = np.array(scores)[:int(len(scores) * 0.2), 1].tolist() newpop = [scores[0][1], scores[1][1]] # Build the next generation # probnew:表示在构造新种群时,”引入一个全新的随机程序“的概率,该参数和probexp是”种群多样性“的重要决定参数 while len(newpop) < popsize: if random() < pnew: newpop.append( mutate( M, U, charnode_pool, crossover( scores[selectindex()][1], scores[selectindex()][1], probswap ), mutationrate ) ) else: # Add a random node to mix things up new_tree = makerandomtree(M, U, charnode_pool) # print "evole round: {0}, add new tree: {1}".format(i, printregextree(new_tree)) newpop.append(new_tree) population = newpop # return the evolutionary results return scores[0][1]def test_regex(M, U, regex_str): dif = 0 M_cn, U_cn = 0, 0 for s in list(M): try: if re.search(regex_str, s): M_cn += 1 except Exception, e: # print e.message, "regex_str: ", regex_str # this regex tree is illegal, low socre!! dif = -32 for u in list(U): try: if re.search(regex_str, u): U_cn += 1 except Exception, e: # print e.message, "regex_str: ", regex_str # this regex tree is illegal, low socre!! dif = -32 print "M_cn: ", M_cn print "U_cn: ", U_cn dif = 1 * (M_cn - 4 * U_cn) - 4 * len(regex_str) print "dif: ", difdef test_regex_golf(): # exampletree = exampletree() # print type(exampletree), exampletree # print printregextree(exampletree) M = words('''afoot catfoot dogfoot fanfoot foody foolery foolish fooster footage foothot footle footpad footway hotfoot jawfoot mafoo nonfood padfoot prefool sfoot unfool''') U = words('''Atlas Aymoro Iberic Mahran Ormazd Silipan altared chandoo crenel crooked fardo folksy forest hebamic idgah manlike marly palazzi sixfold tarrock unfold''') charnode_pool = list(regex_parts(M, U)) print charnode_pool # rd1 = makerandomtree(M, U, parentnode=rootnode(None, None), splitrate=0.5, concatrate=0.5, charrate=0.5, qualifierate=0.5, maxdepth=12, curren_level=0) # rd2 = makerandomtree(M, U, parentnode=rootnode(None, None), splitrate=0.5, concatrate=0.5, charrate=0.5, qualifierate=0.5, maxdepth=12, curren_level=0) # print "rd1: " # print printregextree(rd1) # print "rd2: " # print printregextree(rd2) # dif = scorefunction(tree=rd1, M=M, U=U, w=1) # print "dif: ", dif # population = [makerandomtree(M, U) for i in range(10)] # for i in population: # print printregextree(i) # scores = rankfunction_(M, U, population) # print "function score: ", scores # print np.array(scores)[:int(len(scores) * 0.2), 1].tolist() # rd1_mutate = mutate(M, U, rd1, probchange=0.2) # print "rd1_mutate: " # print printregextree(rd1_mutate) # rd1_rd2_crossover = crossover(rd1, rd2, probswap=0.7) # print "rd1_rd2_crossover: " # print printregextree(rd1_rd2_crossover) evolutionary_regex_str = evolve(M, U, charnode_pool) print printregextree(evolutionary_regex_str)def load_data(): M, U = [], [] rootDir = "./blacksamples" for lists in os.listdir(rootDir): if lists == '.DS_Store': continue filepath = os.path.join(rootDir, lists) filecontent = open(filepath, 'r').read() # only remain English word cop = re.compile("[^^a-z^A-Z^0-9^\s]") # remove space filecontent = re.sub(r'\s+', '', filecontent).strip() filecontent = cop.sub('', filecontent) M.append(filecontent) rootDir = "./whitesamples" for lists in os.listdir(rootDir): if lists == '.DS_Store': continue filepath = os.path.join(rootDir, lists) filecontent = open(filepath, 'r').read() # only remain English word cop = re.compile("[^^a-z^A-Z^0-9^\s]") filecontent = cop.sub('', filecontent) # remove space filecontent = re.sub(r'\s+', '', filecontent).strip() U.append(filecontent) M = set(M) U = set(U) return M, Udef test_webshell(): M, U = load_data() # print M charnode_pool = list(regex_parts(M, U)) print charnode_pool print len(charnode_pool) evolutionary_regex_str = evolve(M, U, charnode_pool) print printregextree(evolutionary_regex_str) print "test_regex: " test_regex(M, U, charnode_pool)if __name__ == '__main__': test_webshell() # test_regex_golf()


Relevant Link:  

http://www.algorithmdog.com/%e9%81%97%e4%bc%a0%e7%ae%97%e6%b3%95%e7%b3%bb%e5%88%97%e4%b9%8b%e4%ba%8c%e6%84%9a%e5%bc%84%e6%b7%b1%e5%ba%a6%e5%ad%a6%e4%b9%a0%e7%9a%84%e9%81%97%e4%bc%a0%e7%ae%97%e6%b3%95Bartoli, Alberto, et al. “Playing regex golf with genetic programming.” Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. ACM, 2014. https://alf.nu/RegexGolfhttp://www.doc88.com/p-0387699026353.htmlhttp://regex.inginf.units.it/golf/# https://github.com/norvig/pytudeshttps://github.com/norvig/pytudes/blob/master/ipynb/xkcd1313.ipynbhttps://github.com/norvig/pytudes/blob/master/ipynb/xkcd1313-part2.ipynb


6. 遗传编程能够应用在网络安全攻防上?


  • 能够明确定义出可数值化的损失函数:针对每一次变种后的结果都能够实时计算出所有个体对当前环境的适应度(被判黑的程度)
  • 有明确生成外部表象的内显子算法:例如PHP Token Tree、Regex Tree、Four fundamental operations of arithmeticTree,能够按照某种深度优先遍历算法,对整个AST Tree进行遍历,在遍历的过程中完成节点变异和个体间交叉
  • 基于内显子算法生成的外显子需要具备业务可解释性:和正则表达式,数学函数方程式这种纯数学概念的外显子不同,在安全领域,对生成的文本还有一个“业务可解释性”的要求。例如说基于cmd ast tree生成了一段cmdline,虽然可能这段cmdline是符合cmdline语法的,但是本身不具备攻击性,即这个cmdline无法对被执行对象完成特定的攻击目的。也许有读者会说,那很简单,我们只要在内显子变异算法上增加一个约束条件,强制生成的外显子字符串具备攻击性不就好了吗?但是最难的问题就在这里,一个cmdline是否具备攻击性,具备多大的攻击性,是非常难通过数学方式形式化定义的


基于php token生成一个php ast tree,并且在损失函数中找到一定定量评估方法,判断当前文件的恶意程度。用遗传编程自动生成一些可以绕过当前检测机制的php webshell

  • 随机化初始化一棵php token tree
  • 基于token tree重构出原始文件
  • 个体适应度判断:这一步有两种不同的思路,
    • 绕过所有检测引擎发现0day样本的优化目标:通过多个检测引擎对文件进行恶意行为检测,并根据命中情况计算损失函数值,这么做的目的是区分出种群中适应度不同的个体。
    • 绕过单个概率检测引擎的优化目标:对于想深度学习sigmoid损失函数来说,倒数最后一层sigmoid函数输出的是一个置信概率,区间是【0,1】,这就给不同的个体赋予了不同的适应度,遗传编程可以通过优化尝试降低这个置信概率,使之逃过模型的判黑阈值,这也是一种攻击深度学习算法模型的方式
  • 筛选出本轮中适应度最高(损失值最低)的个体,按照标准遗传编程进行种群繁殖
  • 直到找到一个损失值为零(完全绕过现有检测体系的新文件)







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